These ITR utilities
are developed using the latest JAVA technology and effort has been made to make
it user friendly, simpler and faster preparation/submission of tax returns. It
is recommended to stay connected to internet to experience the refreshingly new
utility. Please check for new updates before starting to enter the data. This
utility can run on operating system like Windows 7.0 and above and latest
Linux, where Java Runtime Environment Version 7 Update 6 (jre 1.7 is also known
as jre version 7) or above is installed.
New Features
You have the option to pre-fill Personal, Address and Tax
information without going to e-Filing portal. To make use of this feature,
you're to be connected to the internet. To pre-fill, open the latest downloaded
utility and click on “Pre-fill” in the menu. You should type in the e-Filing
portal credentials, User ID, Password and DOB, select the Address you want to
pre-fill and click SUBMIT and the details are pre-filled. This will help in
minimizing the errors, specifically in tax information. Make sure you complete
this activity before you start putting together the data in utility. Please
validate the content, post import of
Using this option, you can import the XML of the respective
AY. You're required to validate the content imported. This will help in
updating/editing information, if you want to submit a revised ITR form on a
later date.
Save Draft
This option will help you tosave the unfinished work, should
you want to continue later. The XML saved as “Save Draft” cannot be used for
submission, as the XML might be incomplete.
You can generate and submit the XML using this option. After
you have entered the data completely (no errors displayed in the right hand
pane), you'll be prompted to type in the e-Filing credentials. You'll be
required to type the details and click OK to submit the ITR data. On successful
validation and submission, you'll see a success screen with the ITR-V link (if
you have e-Filed without a Digital Signature Certificate). To use this feature,
you should be connected to the internet.
Errors and Suggestions
User friendly tips on various errors and suggestions on the
right hand pane are provided. You may click these links and the cursor will be
taken to the field where there is an error. Please note, you'll be able to
submit only after correcting all the errors.
Instructions, short keys and various settings are explained
in this section. Please read them carefully to understand and complete the
activity with ease.
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