Thursday, 3 July 2014

Modification in the Council Guidelines No. 1-CA(7)/02/2008 dated 8th August, 2008 as contained in Appendix No. (34) to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. - (02-07-2014)


Modification in the Council Guidelines No. 1-CA(7)/02/2008 dated 8th August, 2008 as contained in Appendix No. (34) to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

The Council of the Institute at its 331st meeting held in February, 2014 decided to increase the specified number of tax audits from 45 to 60 and an Announcement dated 11.2.2014 in this regard was hosted on the website of the Institute. The Council subsequently at its 333rd meeting held in May, 2014 decided that the specified limit of 60 would relate to an assessment year as against the existing stipulation of a financial year.

In view of the aforesaid decisions of the Council, the existing Para 6 of Chapter VI of the Council Guidelines No. 1-CA(7)/02/2008 dated 8th August, 2008 as contained in Appendix No. (34) to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 stands modified as under:-

1. In para 6.1 (a) and (b), the figure “45” pertaining to specified number of tax audit assignment has been substituted by the figure “60”.

2. In para 6.0 and 6.1, the words “in a financial year” have been substituted by the words “relating to an assessment year”.

3. In para 6.1.6, the words “in each financial year” have been substituted by the words “relating to each assessment year”.

As already announced the revised limit of 60 tax audits would be applicable w.e.f. 1st April, 2014. The above announcement is published for information of the members at large.
(T. Karthikeyan)

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