Friday, 27 June 2014

Practical solution / loophole to restricted use of 4 Efiling accounts for same Email ID

In our earlier update, we had mentioned as to how it is an headache for tax professionals / tax consultants to maintain email ID and passwords for all the taxpayers since they have to be updated individually and no tax consultant can keep his own email id as that of his client for more than 4 clients.

However, our smart CA fraternity friends seem to have found a solution to this which luckily is not yet blocked by the Income tax Department.

This trick works bascially for gmail users since, the Gmail does not recognise difference between regular alphabets of the User Name and and dots put between alphabets of the User Name. That is because Gmail ignores any dots in the User name.

That means for Gmail nirajdmahajan is similar to n.irajdmahajan. For Gmail, all combinations of ni.rajdmahajan, nir.ajdmahajan, niraj.dmahajan, n.i.r.a.j.d.m.a.h.a.j.a.n, etc. are same. However, Efiling website recognises each of the above Emails as SEPARATE emails!!

Thus, you can make number of such combinations using your Gmail User name. The number of combinations possible can be multiplied by 4, since maximum 4 accounts are allowed to have same Email address!!

A major time-saver seems to have been found out.
Thus, prima-facie it seems, a major hurdle has been avoided using this loophole. Just today I tried to use the proper method of using Client's email ID and mobile and believe it is not an easy task! Because to update the email and mobile number, you have to do both of it in one login session which lasts for only few minutes. And if the client is bit late in sending you the PINs received in his Email and SMS, you have to repeat the process of updation!!

Thus, the solution to efiling restriction is currently found out and can be used till Income tax Department puts any restriction on that too!!

Till then, happy Returns season!!

It will be unfair not to mention CA Tejas Andharia who has found out this solution for the benefit of all!

CA Niraj Mahajan

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