Why taxes are required? Any Government needs resources to
run the administration of the nation. Taxes are levied since the history
of the administration began with the rule of kings. It's a system for
collection and distribution of the surplus held by the rich to the poor
in the society. It also aims at the development of the infrastructure
and investment in the welfare of the citizens. However, a country' s
progress can be gauged by the efficient and effective administration
rather than by the quantum of taxes collected from its constituents.
There are countries that levy the taxes in all the possible ways but
spend them unproductively for populist schemes keeping the vote banks
alone in the focus and a part drained through corruption. No tax shall
be levied or collected except by the authority of the law of the
Types of Taxes: Based on who
levies them, taxes are classified as Central, State and Local government
taxes. Depending on the timing, they can be Retrospective, Immediate,
and Prospective taxes. Again looking at the method of taxation, they can
be grouped as the direct and indirect taxes. The one affecting a person
directly like the Income tax and Sales tax is known as the direct tax.
When the tax produces an indirect impact on the citizen such as Customs
duty, Service tax, and Excise duty, it is an indirect tax.
Is the purpose of taxation served?
From the cradle to the cemetery, every citizen pays taxes of one kind
or another. Whether the service is rendered or not, tax has to be paid.
Sometimes, Water tax is collected even before the concerned authority
lays the pipeline and the water flows to the households. A person or
business pays a range of taxes for the education, land, house, water,
production, consumption, entertainment, profession, sales, service,
income, expenditure, profit and wealth. The non-payment or delayed
payment of any tax will attract another burden in the form of interest
and penalty that may include the seizure of the assets and/or
imprisonment. In other words, government taxes everyone removing the
distinction between the poor and the affluent.
government comes up with a new possible tax while the end use of the
existing taxes remains a big question mark. The British regime levied it
in their colonies for filling the coffers of the empire. The
independent nations now administer the same taxes in all possible ways
by the name of augmenting revenue to the government, but the rulers
enrich themselves to live as the modern kings each nurturing their own
groups and factions.
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