Thursday, 17 April 2014

CIT vs. Intervet India Pvt.Ltd (Bombay High Court)

S. 194-H TDS does not apply to all sales promotional expenditure if relationship is not that of principal & agent

The assessee had undertaken sales promotional scheme viz. Product discount scheme and Product campaign under which it offered an incentive on case to case basis to its stockists / dealers / agents. An amount of Rs.70 lakhs was claimed as a deduction towards expenditure incurred under the said sales promotional scheme. The relationship between the assessee and the distributor / stockists was that of principal to principal and in fact the distributors were the customers of the assessee to whom the sales were effected either directly or through the consignment agent.

As the distributor / stockists were the persons to whom the product was sold, no services were offered by the assessee and what was offered by the distributor was a discount under the product distribution scheme or product campaign scheme to buy the assessee’s product. The distributors / stockists were not acting on behalf of the assessee and that most of the credit was by way of goods on meeting of sales target, and hence, it could not be said to be a commission payment within the meaning of Explanation (i) to Section 194H of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

The contention of the Revenue in regard to the application of Explanation (i) below Section 194H being applicable to all categories of sales expenditure cannot be accepted. Such reading of Explanation (i) below Section 194H would amount to reading the said provision in abstract. The application of the provision is required to be considered to the relevant facts of every case.

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